Tuesday, November 3, 2009

First Halloween

Wow has time been flying by. In the moment, sometimes, I think "Gosh, this is so hard. When is it going to get easier?" Then I think, "Wow they are 7 months already!" I can not get any time back. How exciting it is to watch them grow and learn new things but how sad at the same time.

Halloween just passed and we had a good time. My inlaws came for a visit to that was nice for them to see the kids. Plus, with them helping out it is a super plus! ;) The boys did real well. We took them out and they were great the entire time. Braylon was a pumpkin and Logan a dragon. These two really fit the costumes for sure! Kiara was a bride. Though getting three kids ready for trick or treating is a task! All in all, it all worked out.

I am looking forward to Thanksgiving. We get to go to PA and visit so that is wonderful. It is hectic to travel with 2 babies but I am excited to show them off!